What miracles have happened in your life?
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
Bite-size version
- My life is a miracle.
- I am a walking miracle.
- God gave me such peace that I was able to be myself during the presentation and not be afraid
- The hymns we sang before my share were so meaningful and helped prepare my heart
A week earlier, I had a conversation with the pastor of a small church just 15 minutes from my parents’ house. After the service, I shared how deeply blessed I was by the experience. The pastor started asking me questions about my life, and I mentioned that I was a missionary in Thailand. His curiosity led to an unexpected invitation to share my story the following week. Over the next few days, we had several conversations, and to my surprise, he asked me to speak for the entire sermon time! Initially, I thought I’d only talk for 10 minutes and show a few photos, but God had other plans.
I can’t even begin to describe the miracles that unfolded before, during, and after that sharing time. I had spent the week praying and preparing a slide presentation. I was nervous because my material seemed too extensive or disorganized. I didn’t want to simply share information; I wanted to convey the need for missionaries, the boundless love of God, and how God has transformed my life.
On the Saturday morning before my presentation, I spoke to God about how to start my talk. He guided me to conduct an object lesson activity where I asked everyone to move to the front of the sanctuary. This was to give them a taste of missionary life and friendship evangelism. The activity turned out to be both fun and educational. It was fascinating to observe how people responded to the request to move forward. They had to step out of their comfort zones and sit next to unfamiliar faces. They also had to learn to obey even if they didn’t understand or like the command. They had to sacrifice their comfortable seats and relocate to a less familiar or comfortable spot. After the activity, I invited people to share what they had learned about themselves. I cherished all the sharing from the brothers and sisters. The Holy Spirit touched people’s hearts. Many enjoyed sitting next to new people, while others realized they had to confront their thoughts, feelings, and habits.
As I was driving to church, God placed a song in my heart, and I sang it out loud: “You are my hiding place.” This encouraged me immensely. God also brought some Bible verses to my mind:
“For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” – Galatians 1:10
“…I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” – Exodus 4:12
God fulfilled His promises to me. He held my hand and spoke through me. I am so thankful and humbled. The hymns we sang before my presentation were exactly what I needed: “He Lives,” “Fill My Cup,” and “Give of Your Best to the Master.” I will have to talk about these songs in a later post because this one is already quite long!
The greatest miracle was the sweet peace that God granted me; it allowed me to be myself and enjoy the moment. I was able to share with ease, even though my presentation was affected by technical issues, and I couldn’t advance my slides. I was grateful that I had printed my notes and could continue speaking without relying on the slides. Later, a church member came to the rescue and advanced the slides, which was a great help.
I consider myself a walking miracle! God is living and moving in me! I didn’t want to focus on myself but rather be a witness for God. I wanted to share what God has done in my life and encourage others that He could do the same for them. God helped me overcome my fears and be more excited about Him than anything else.